[1] 医学成像、核磁共振、图像重建、图像处理
[1] 2019.6~至今
上海交通大学生物医学工程学院 | 长聘教轨副教授
[2] 2015.8~2019.4
Yale University | Post-Doctoral Associate
请浏览上海交通大学生物医学工程学院 (sjtu.edu.cn)教师网页和实验室主页Home | Cmrlab (wixsite.com)了解更多信息。
- [1] Pseudo multi-shot EPI for geometric distortion improvement, NMR in Biomedicine 2022/12/01
- [2] MVnet: automated time-resolved tracking of the mitral valve plane in MRI long-axis cine images with residual neural networks - a multi-center, multi-vendor study, Journal of Cardiovas 2021/12/01
- [3] Morphological, Functional, and Tissue Characterization of Silent Myocardial Involvement in Patients With Primary Biliary Cholangitis, Clinical Gastroenter 2022/05/01
- [4] A two-stage cardiac PET and late gadolinium enhancement MRI co-registration method for improved assessment of non-ischemic cardiomyopathies using integrated PET/MR, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF 2022/01/01