[1] 光电系统、光电信号处理、以及其在生医成像仪器方面的应用
[1] 2021.7~至今
上海交通大学电子信息与电气工程学院 | 长聘教轨副教授
[1] Ultracompact multifunctional metalens visor for augmented reality displays, Photonix
- [2] Fourier-inspired neural module for real-time and high-fidelity computer-generated holography, Optics Letters 2022/12/01
- [3] Multi-scale Sparse Representation-Based Shadow Inpainting for Retinal OCT Images, Progress in Biomedic 2022/01/01
- [4] Multi-scale reconstruction of undersampled spectral-spatial OCT data for coronary imaging using deep learning, IEEE Transactions on 2022/12/01
- [2] Fourier-inspired neural module for real-time and high-fidelity computer-generated holography, Optics Letters 2022/12/01
- [1] no