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Scientific Research
Paper Publications
[1]duzhengchun. 考虑工件热变形的大型结构件误差建模与补偿 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2019,
[2]duzhengchun. Geometric Error Modeling and Sensitivity Analysis of Single-Axis Assembly in Three-Axis Vertical Machine Center Based on Jacobian-Torsor Model ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B: Mechanical Engineering, 2018,
[3]duzhengchun. Dynamic linearization modeling approach for spindle thermal errors of machine tools Mechatronics, 2018,
[4] A fast way to determine temperature sensor locations in thermal error compensation The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2018,
[5]duzhengchun. Redundancy actuating mechanism with dynamic stability
[6] Shape descriptor-based local contour profile registration and measurement for flexible automotive sealing strips Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 2018,
[7] Thermal Deformation Isolation for Satellite Platforms via Flexible Connections INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRECISION ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURING, 2017,
[8] Measurement Uncertainty Evaluation on Circular Diameters Based on Error Ellipse Theory and Monte Carlo Method JOURNAL OF SHANGHAI JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY, 2017,
[9] Peripheral milling force induced error compensation using analytical force model and APDL deformation calculation INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, 2017,
[10] 数控机床几何误差测量研究现状及趋势 航空制造技术, 2017,
[11] 薄壁件铣削变形误差的自适应快速计算法 机电一体化, 2017,
[12] 基于误差椭圆理论与蒙特卡罗方法的圆直径测量不确定度评定 上海交通大学学报, 2017,
[13]duzhengchun. Uncertainty analysis of laser radar measurement system based on error ellipsoid theory JIGUANG JISHU/LASER TECHNOLOGY, 2017,
[14] Measurement uncertainty on the circular features in coordinate measurement system based on the error ellipse and Monte Carlo methods Measurement Science and Technology, 2016,
[15] Peripheral milling force induced error compensation using analytical force model and APDL deformation calculation International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2016,
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