- [101]期刊论文,New real-time market facilitating demand-side resources for system balancing,International Review of Electrical Engineering,2011/02/01
- [102]期刊论文,Redesign Electricity Market for the Next Generation Power System of Renewable Energy and Distributed,Power & Energy Society General Meeting, 2010, PES ''''10. IEEE,2010/10/01,冯冬涵
- [103]期刊论文,容量市场环境下高报行为的分析与防范,电网技术,2010/08/01
- [104]期刊论文,基于金融输电权和BDE算法的双层最优购电组合策略,电力自动化设备,2010/05/01
- [105]期刊论文,Simulation embedded artificial intelligence search method for supplier trading portfolio decision,IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution,2010/04/01,冯冬涵
- [106]期刊论文,Simulation embedded artificial intelligence search method for supplier trading portfolio decision,IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution,2010/02/01,冯冬涵
- [107]期刊论文,节能调度综述,华东电力,2010/01/01
- [108]期刊论文,A review on reliability assessment for wind power,Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,2009/12/01
- [109]期刊论文,Risk Analysis of Volume Cheat Strategy in a Competitive Capacity Market,Power & Energy Society General Meeting, 2009. PES ''09. IEEE,2009/10/01,冯冬涵
- [110]期刊论文,Peaking cost compensation in Northwest China Power System,European Transactions on Electrical Power,2009/10/01