[13] 会议论文,Research on the plasma channel expansion behavior of cathode in electrical arc machining,Procedia CIRP,2020/01/01
[14] 会议论文,Adopting composite geometric models for the heat conduction simulation of SiCp/Al matrix compositâ¦,Journal of Physics: Conference Series,2020/12/01
[15] 期刊论文,喷管高速电弧放电粗化工艺研究,电加工与模具,2021/01/01
[16] 期刊论文,High performance hybrid machining of gamma-TiAl with blasting erosion arc machining and grinding,CIRP ANNALS-MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY,2020/01/01,顾琳
[17] 期刊论文,A novel tool design procedure for arc sweep machining technology,MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURING PROCESSES,2020/01/01,顾琳
[18] 期刊论文,A review on conventional and nonconventional machining of SiC particle-reinforced aluminium matriâ¦,ADVANCES IN MANUFACTURING,2020/09/01
[19] 期刊论文, A novel tool design procedure for arc sweep machining technology,Materials and Manufacturing Processes,2020/01/01,顾琳
[20] 期刊论文,Coupled numerical simulation of arc plasma channel evolution and
discharge crater formation in arâ¦,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2019/06/01,顾琳
[21] 期刊论文,制造工艺基础,机械工业出版社,2019/04/01
[22] 期刊论文,Electric arc sweep milling of open channels,International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,2019/02/01
[23] 期刊论文,Observation and analyzation of plasma channel evolution behavior in air flushing electrical arc mâ¦,International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,2019/01/01
[24] 期刊论文,High efficiency blasting erosion arc machining of 50 vol.% SiC/Al matrix composites,PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, PART B: JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MANUFACTURE,2018/10/01