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Scientific Research
Paper Publications
[1]Guo Qiang. The Fracture Property in Micro/Nano-Laminated Metal Composites MATERIALS CHINA, 2018,
[2] Particle size effect on the interfacial properties of SiC particle-reinforced Al-Cu-Mg composites MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING A: STRUCTURAL MATERIALS: PROPERTIES, MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING, 2018,
[3] Grain boundary-assisted deformation in graphene-Al nanolaminated composite micro-pillars MATERIALS RESEARCH LETTERS, 2018,
[4]Guo Qiang. Back stress in strain hardening of carbon nanotube/aluminum composites MATERIALS RESEARCH LETTERS, 2018,
[5]Guo Qiang. 石墨烯增强金属基复合材料的结构建模与拉伸模拟(英文) Science China Materials, 2018,
[6]Guo Qiang. Graphene quality dominated interface deformation behavior of graphene-metal composite: The defective is better INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PLASTICITY, 2018,
[7]Guo Qiang. Theoretical modelling for interface design and thermal conductivity prediction in diamond/Cu composites DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS, 2018,
[8]Guo Qiang. Composite structural modeling and tensile mechanical behavior of graphene reinforced metal matrix composites SCIENCE CHINA-MATERIALS, 2018,
[9]Guo Qiang. Fabrication and thermal conductivity of copper coated graphite film/aluminum composites for effective thermal management JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 2017,
[10]Guo Qiang. Aligning graphene in bulk copper: Nacre-inspired nanolaminated architecture coupled with in-situ processing for enhanced mechanical properties and high electrical conductivity CARBON, 2017,
[11]Guo Qiang. Superplastic behavior of carbon nanotube reinforced aluminum composites fabricated by flake powder metallurgy MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING A: STRUCTURAL MATERIALS: PROPERTIES, MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING, 2017,
[12]Guo Qiang. Balanced strength and ductility in CNT/A1 composites achieved by flake powder metallurgy via shift-speed ball milling COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING, 2017,
[13] Enhanced dislocation obstruction in nanolaminated graphene/Cu composite as revealed by stress relaxation experiments SCRIPTA MATERIALIA, 2017,
[14] Strengthening and toughening mechanisms in graphene-Al nanolaminated composite micro-pillars ACTA MATERIALIA, 2017,
[15]Guo Qiang. Lateral size effect of graphene on mechanical properties of aluminum matrix nanolaminated composites SCRIPTA MATERIALIA, 2017,
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