- [31]会议论文,Smoggy-Link: Fingerprinting Interference for Predictable Wireless Concurrency,IEEE ICNP,2016/11/01
- [32]期刊论文,Voltage-Aware Time Synchronization for Wireless Sensor Networks,International Journal of Distribute Sensor Networks,2014/09/01
- [33]期刊论文,An Insomnia Therapy for Clock Synchronization in Wireless Sensor Networks,ACM MobiCom Poster Session,2015/10/01
- [34]会议论文,Environment-Adaptive Clock Calibration for Wireless Sensor Networks,ACM MobiHoc Poster Session,2014/09/01
- [35]期刊论文,一种温度自适应无线传感网络时间同步方法,软件学报,2014/12/01
- [36]论文,Dancing Waltz with Ghosts: Measuring Sub-mm-Level 2D Rotor Orbit with a Single mmWave Radar,IEEE/ACN IPSN,2021/04/07
- [37]会议论文,RF-Prism: Versatile RFID-based Sensing through Phase Disentangling,IEEE ICDCS,2021/04/07
- [38]会议论文,mmVib: Micrometer-Level Vibration Measurement with mmWave Radar,ACM MobiCom,2020/06/07
- [39]会议论文,Fireworks: Channel Estimation of Parallel Backscatered Signals,IEEE/ACM IPSN,2020/04/20,Meng Jin
- [40]期刊论文,iGuard: A Real-Time Anti-Theft System for Smartphones,IEEE Transections on Mobile Computing,2018/01/20,Meng Jin