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Scientific Research
Paper Publications
[1]Xuejun JIN. 淬火-配分-回火(QPT)钢的研究进展 中国材料进展, 2019,
[2]Xuejun JIN. Modification and optimization of the design model of two-component composite armor against ballistic impact Defence Technology, 2019,
[3] Hierarchical microstructure design of a bimodal grained twinning-induced plasticity steel with excellent cryogenic mechanical properties ACTA MATERIALIA, 2018,
[4] Stable and large superelasticity and elastocaloric effect in nanocrystalline Ti-44Ni-5Cu-1Al (at%) alloy ACTA MATERIALIA, 2018,
[5]Xuejun JIN. Stochastic reconstruction and microstructure modeling of SMC chopped fiber composites COMPOSITE STRUCTURES, 2018,
[6] Size effect on the mechanical behavior of single crystalline Fe-31.2Pd (at.%) micropillars SCRIPTA MATERIALIA, 2018,
[7] Role of microstructure on electrochemical hydrogen permeation properties in advanced high strength steels INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 2018,
[8] Stress-induced reverse martensitic transformation in a Ti-51Ni (at%) alloy aged under uniaxial stress SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 2018,
[9] High damping capacity of single crystalline iron-palladium alloy exhibiting a weak first-order martensitic transformation JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 2018,
[10] The austenite reversion and co-precipitation behavior of an ultra-low carbon medium manganese quenching-partitioning-tempering steel ACTA MATERIALIA, 2018,
[11] Enhanced wear resistance of nanotwinned austenite in higher Si nanostructured bainitic steel WEAR, 2018,
[12]Xuejun JIN. Elastocaloric Effect Associated with Different Types of Martensitic Transformations: Typical First-Order and Weak First-Order Ones PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI (B): BASIC RESEARCH, 2018,
[13] Improving hydrogen embrittlement resistance of Hadfield steel by thermo-mechanical flash-treatment MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING A: STRUCTURAL MATERIALS: PROPERTIES, MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING, 2018,
[14] Electrochemical Hydrogen Permeation Properties of MoS2 and Ni80Cr20 Films Prepared by Magnetron Sputtering on Pure Iron JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY, 2018,
[15]Xuejun JIN. Earth-Abundant Tin Sulfide-Based Photocathodes for Solar Hydrogen Production ADVANCED SCIENCE, 2018,
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