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Paper Publications
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Scientific Research
Paper Publications
[1] 一种高效率软开关三相并网逆变器 电力系统自动化, 2011,
[2] A novel active clamping zero-voltage switching Grid-connected three-phase inverter Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2010 IEEE, 2010,
[3]李睿. 三电平和两电平逆变器效率分析与比较 电力电子技术, 2009,
[4]李睿. 三相四线整流器的中线电流控制 电机与控制学报, 2009,
[5] A Novel 40KW ZVS-SVM Controlled Three-Phase Boost PFC Converter Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, 2009. APEC 2009. Twenty-Fourth Annual IEEE , 2009,
[6] A Novel Minimum Voltage Active Clamping SVM (MVAC-SVM) Controlled Three-Phase PFC Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, 2009. APEC 2009. Twenty-Fourth Annual IEEE, 2009,
[7]李睿. Hard switching and soft switching inverters efficiency evaluation Electrical Machines and Systems, 2008. ICEMS 2008. International Conference on, 2008,
[8] A novel neutral current control strategy for the three-phase four-wire boost PFC converter Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, 2008. APEC 2008. Twenty-Third Annual IEEE, 2008,
[9]李睿. A Zero Voltage Switching SVM (ZVS–SVM) Controlled Three-Phase Boost Rectifier IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, 2007,
[10] Improving the Power Density of the ZVS-SVM Controlled Three-Phase Boost PFC Converter Power Conversion Conference - Nagoya, 2007. PCC '07, 2007,
[11] Efficiency and EMI Analysis for a ZVS-SVM Controlled Three-Phase Boost PFC Converter Applied Power Electronics Conference, APEC 2007 - Twenty Second Annual IEEE, 2007,
[12] Soft switching condition analysis for a novel ZVS-SVM controlled three-phase boost PFC converter Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, 2006. APEC '06. Twenty-First Annual IEEE, 2006,
[13]李睿. 电压电流双闭环控制逆变器并联系统的建模和环流特性分析 电工技术学报, 2006,
[14]李睿. 逆变器并联系统功率管开路故障诊断研究 中国电机工程学报, 2006,
[15]李睿. 基于有功和无功环流控制的DC-AC逆变器并联系统分析与实现 电工技术学报, 2005,
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