- [101]期刊论文,Dendritic microstructure and hot cracking of laser additive manufactured Inconel 718 under improved ,Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2016/02/01
- [102]会议论文,TiB2/ZL101复合材料与ZL101合金激光焊对比研究,第十四次全国焊接学术会议论文集
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- [105]期刊论文,Microstructure correlation and fatigue crack growth behavior in dissimilar 9Cr/CrMoV welded joint,MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES; MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING,2016/01/01
- [106]期刊论文,Application of Deep-narrow Gap Welding Method in Manufacturing Component with Heavy Section,JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING,2016/01/01
- [107]期刊论文,Microstructure correlation and fatigue crack growth behavior in dissimilar 9Cr/CrMoV welded joint,Materials Science and Engineering: A,2016/01/01
- [108]期刊论文,Role of stress in the high cycle fatigue behavior of advanced 9Cr/CrMoV dissimilarly welded joint,Journal of Materials Research,2016/01/01,芦凤桂
- [109]期刊论文,Liquation cracking in fiber laser welded joints of inconel 617,Journal of Materials Processing Technology,2015/12/01
- [110]期刊论文,Gleeble simulation of the HAZ in Inconel 617 welding,Journal of Materials Processing Technology,2015/11/01