- [31]期刊论文,Coupling effect of operating parameters on performance of a biogas-fueled solid oxide fuel cell/gas ,Applied Energy,2019/11/01
- [32]期刊论文,Effect of fuel composition fluctuation on the safety performance of an IT-SOFC/GT hybrid system[J],Energy,2019/06/01,吕小静
- [33]期刊&会议论文,Performance analysis of island energy system of SOFC and GT with gasified biomass fuel[J],Energy Procedia,2019/05/01,吕小静
- [34]期刊论文,Performance analysis of an IT-SOFC/GT hybrid system using gasified biomass fuel in different operati,Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power.,2019/04/01,吕小静
- [35]期刊&会议论文,Effect of Operating Parameters on Performance and Safety Evaluation of a Biogas-fueled SOFC/GT Hybri,Energy Procedia,2019/02/01
- [36]期刊论文,Technological development of multi-energy complementary system based on solar PVs and MGT[J],Frontier in Energy,2018/12/01,吕小静
- [37]期刊论文,Performance Analysis of an Intermediate-Temperature-SOFC/Gas Turbine Hybrid System Using Gasified Bi,Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power,2018/09/01,吕小静
- [38]期刊论文,Performance analysis of an IT-SOFC/GT hybrid system using gasified biomass fuel in different operati,2019/04/01,吕小静
- [39]期刊论文,Determination of safe operation zone for an intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell and gas t,2016/06/01
- [40]期刊论文,Effect of gasified biomass fuel on load characteristics of an intermediate-temperature solid oxide f,2016/05/01