- [41]会议论文,LADD: A length-Adaptive approach to detecting taxi anomalous detours,ICPADS,2019/12/01
- [42]会议论文,Recurrent neural network for text classification with hierarchical multiscale dense connections,IJCAI International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence,2019/01/01
- [43]会议论文,DASFAA 20202 Special Issue Editorial,Data Science and Engineering,2020/11/01
- [44]会议论文,FreqST: Exploiting frequency information in spatiotemporal modeling for traffic prediction,ICDM 2020,2020/11/01
- [45]会议论文,Ddsl: efficient subgraph listing on distributed and dynamic graphs,DASFAA,2020/09/01
- [46]会议论文,A Neural Attention Model for Urban Air Quality Inference: Learning the Weights of Monitoring Station,AAAI,2018/01/01
- [47]会议论文,A Neural Attention Model for Urban Air Quality Inference: Learning the Weights of Monitoring Station,AAAI,2018/01/01
- [48]会议论文,LHist: Towards learning multi-dimensional histogram for massive spatial data,ICDE 2021,2021/04/01
- [49]会议论文,Palette: Towards multi-source model selection and ensemble for reuse,ICDE 2021,2021/04/01
- [50]会议论文,BOUNCE: An Efficient Selective Enumeration Approach for Nested Named Entity Recognition,APWeb-WAIM,2021/09/01