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Jianxin Shi
Scientific Research
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Paper Publications
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Scientific Research
Paper Publications
[1]Jianxin Shi. Origin and functional prediction of pollen allergens in plants Plant Physiology, 2016,
[2] Development of event-specific qualitative and quantitative PCR detection methods for the transgenic maize BVLA430101 Eurppean Food Research and Technology, 2016,
[3] The development of DNA based methods for the reliable and efficient identification of Nicotiana tabacum in tobacco and its derived products International Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2016,
[4]Jianxin Shi. DNA enrichment approaches to identify unauthorized genetically modified organisms (GMOs) Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2016,
[5]Jianxin Shi. Application of whole genome shotgun sequencing for detection and characterization of genetically modified organisms and derived products Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2016,
[6]Jianxin Shi. 反油酸处理对人HepG2细胞代谢组的影响 食品工业科技, 2016,
[7] Plant metabolomics: an indispensable system biology tool for plant science International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2016,
[8]Jianxin Shi. Development of interspecies hybrids to increase ginseng biomass and ginsenoside yield Plant Cell Reports, 2016,
[9] Identification of conserved and diverse metabolic shifts during rice grain development Scientific Reports, 2016,
[10]Jianxin Shi. ATP binding cassette G transporters and plant male reproduction Plant Signaling & Behavior, 2016,
[11] Metabolic changes in transgenic maize mature seeds over-expressing the Aspergillus niger phyA2 Plant Cell Reports, 2016,
[12]Jianxin Shi. Two ATP binding cassette G transporters, rice ATP binding cassette G26 and ATP binding cassette G15, collaboratively regulate rice male reproduction Plant Physiology, 2015,
[13]Jianxin Shi,Jianxin Shi. Genetic and biochemical mechanisms of pollen wall development Trends in Plant Sciences, 2015,
[14] 膳食反式脂肪酸的风险评估研究进展 食品安全质量检测学报, 2015,
[15]Jianxin Shi. GMO detection in food and feed through screening by visual loop-mediated isothermal amplification assays Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2015,
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