- [111]会议论文,Detection and classification of MMC-HVDC transmission line faults based on one-terminal transient cu,IEEE POWER AND ENERGY SOCIETY GENERAL MEETING,2018/01/01
- [112]会议论文,Novel transient current-based protection scheme for DC line faults in UHVDC system,IEEE POWER AND ENERGY SOCIETY GENERAL MEETING,2018/01/01
- [113]会议论文,Protection scheme for MMC-HVDC DC lines based on boundary current signals,2017 IEEE PES INNOVATIVE SMART GRID TECHNOLOGIES CONFERENCE EUROPE, ISGT-EUROPE 2017 - PROCEEDINGS,2018/01/01
- [114]会议论文,An advanced architecture of multiple microgrids interfacing with UCC,IEEE POWER AND ENERGY SOCIETY GENERAL MEETING,2018/01/01
- [115]会议论文,Protection and fault locating method of series compensated lines by wavelet based energy traveling w,IEEE POWER AND ENERGY SOCIETY GENERAL MEETING,2018/01/01
- [116]会议论文,An intermittent high-impedance fault identification method based on transient power direction detect,IEEE POWER AND ENERGY SOCIETY GENERAL MEETING,2018/01/01
- [117]期刊论文,A novel design of architecture and control for multiple microgrids with hybrid AC/DC connection,APPLIED ENERGY,2018/01/01
- [118]期刊论文,Transient stability mechanism of grid-connected inverter-interfaced distributed generators using d,APPLIED ENERGY,2018/01/01
- [119]期刊论文,A Strategy to Suppress Fluctuation of Distributed Renewable Energy in Microgrids With Combined Hea,ZHONGGUO DIANJI GONGCHENG XUEBAO/PROCEEDINGS OF THE CHINESE SOCIETY OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING,2018/01/01
- [120]期刊论文,Application of X-ray Nondestructive Flaw Detection Technology in Transmission Line's Press Fittings,Shanghai Jiaotong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University,2018/01/01