- [51]期刊论文,“ Experimental evidence of temperature ratio effect on turbine blade tip heat transfer ”,(paper No. GPPFS2017-114) Turbo Expo 2017,2017/01/01
- [52]期刊论文,“ Experimental evidence of temperature ratio effect on turbine blade tip heat transfer ”,(paper No. GPPFS2017-114) Turbo Expo 2017,2017/01/01
- [53]期刊论文,“Analysis of the filtered non-premixed turbulent flame”,Combustion and Flame,2017/01/01,王利坡
- [54]期刊论文,Vectorial structure of the near-wall premixed flame,Physical Review Fluids,2019/11/01
- [55]期刊论文,On the self-similarity of line segments in decaying homogeneous isotropic turbulence,Computers & Fluids,2019/10/01
- [56]期刊论文,Cascade and intermittency of the sea surface temperature in the oceanic system,Physica Scripta,2019/07/01
- [57]期刊论文,Heat flux and flow topology statistics in oblique and head-on quenching of turbulent premixed flames,Combustion Science And Technology,2019/05/01
- [58]论文,“Strain rate and flame orientation statistics in the near-wall region for turbulent flame-wall inte,Combustion Theory and Modelling,2019/01/01
- [59]论文,“Analysis of the flame-wall interaction in premixed turbulent combustion”,Journal of Fluid mechanics,2019/01/01
- [60]论文,“Geometrical structure analysis of a zero-pressure-gradient turbulent boundary layer”,Journal of Fluid Mechanics,2019/01/01