[13] 期刊论文,Online coupling of “Dip-it” polymer monolith microextraction with plasma assisted laser desorptâ¦,Chemical Communications,2015/02/01,王欣
[14] 期刊论文,Direct Analysis in Real Time Mass Spectrometry: a Powerful Tool for Fast Analysis,Mass Spectrometry Letters,2015/02/01
[15] 期刊论文,Facile synthesis of magnetic homochiral metal-organic frameworks for “enantioselective fishing”,Chemical Communications,2015/01/01
[16] 会议论文,管内固相微萃取和实时直接分析质谱在线联用新方法的构建及其对水中三嗪类农药的检测,中国化学会第29 届学术年会,2014/08/01,王欣
[17] 期刊论文,Online coupling of in-tube solid phase microextraction with direct analysis in real time mass speâ¦,Analytical Chemistry,2014/04/01,王欣
[18] 期刊论文,Application of homochiral metal-organic frameworks in enantioselective adsorption and chromatograâ¦,Electrophoresis,2014/03/01
[19] 期刊论文,Solid-phase extraction with the metal–organic framework MIL-101(Cr) combined with direct analysiâ¦,Journal of Separation Science,2014/03/01
[20] 期刊论文,Automated and sensitive analysis of 28-epihomobrassinolide in Arabidopsis thaliana by on-line polâ¦,Journal of Chromatography A,2013/07/01,王欣
[21] 期刊论文,Applications of nanomaterials in enantioseparation and related techniques,Trends in Analytical Chemistry,2012/10/01
[22] 期刊论文,A new derivatization approach for the rapid and sensitive analysis of brassinosteroids by using uâ¦,Talanta,2012/09/01
[23] 期刊论文,Automated analysis of non-steroidal anti-in?ammatory drugs in human plasma and water samples by iâ¦,Analytical Methods,2011/09/01