- [101]会议论文,Lane-level vehicular localization utilizing smartphones,IEEE VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE,2017/03/01,王新兵
- [102]期刊论文,Secrecy Capacity Scaling of Large-Scale Networks With Social Relationships,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY,2017/03/01
- [103]期刊论文,Optimal Capacity-Delay Tradeoff in MANETs With Correlation of Node Mobility,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY,2017/02/01
- [104]期刊论文,DRIMUX: Dynamic Rumor Influence Minimization with User Experience in Social Networks,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING,2017/01/01
- [105]期刊论文,Optimization of Fingerprints Reporting Strategy for WLAN Indoor Localization,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING,2017/01/01
- [106]期刊论文,Offloading in HCNs: Congestion-Aware Network Selection and User Incentive Design,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS,2017/01/01
- [107]期刊论文,Incentivizing Crowdsensing with Location-Privacy Preserving,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS,2017/01/01
- [108]期刊论文,On the Greedy Resource Occupancy Threat in Dynamic Spectrum Access,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY,2017/01/01
- [109]期刊&会议论文,Distributed Multicast Tree Construction in Wireless Sensor Networks,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY,2017/01/01
- [110]期刊论文,Data Backlog Analysis in Energy Harvesting Communication Systems,IEEE ACCESS,2017/01/01