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[14] 期刊论文,High-Precision Ultralong Distance Time Transfer Using Single-Fiber Bidirectional-Transmission Uniâ¦,IEEE Photonics Journal,2016/10/01
[15] 期刊论文,Fast and on-line link optimization for the long-distance two-way fiber-optic time and frequency tâ¦,Optics Express,2022/06/01
[16] 期刊论文,Enhanced Phase Noise Reduction in Localized Two-Way Optical Frequency Comparison,Journal of Lightwave Technology,2022/07/01
[17] 期刊论文,Fiber-optic joint time and frequency transmission with enhanced time precision,Optics Letters,2022/02/01
[18] 期刊论文,Studying the Double Rayleigh Backscattering Noise Effect on Fiber-Optic Radio Frequency Transfer,IEEE Photonics Journal,2021/04/01
[19] ,13,134-km fiber-optic time synchronization,Journal of Lightwave Technology,2021/10/10
[20] ,Interference and frequency-to-time mapping based high anti-jamming and anti-interception frequencâ¦,Opt. Express,2021/08/10
[21] ,Fast and large-range frequency hopping receiving based on simultaneous photonic filtering and digâ¦,Opt. Lett.,2021/02/15
[22] ,Multiple-Node Time Synchronization Over Hybrid Star and Bus Fiber Network Without Requiring Link â¦,Journal of Lightwave Technology,2021/04/10
[23] ,Effects of the Nonlinearity Caused by 'MZM-WDM' Structure in Time-Wavelength Interleaved Photonicâ¦,Journal of Lightwave Technology,2021/09/15
[24] ,Branching Optical Frequency Transfer With Enhanced Post Automatic Phase Noise Cancellation,Journal of Lightwave Technology,2021/07/15