[85] 会议论文,A broadband optical source based optoelectronic oscillator with widely tunable frequency range, IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR) 2013,2013/06/01
[86] 期刊论文,Real-time Ethernet based on passive optical networks,OPTICAL ENGINEERING,2013/02/01,吴龟灵
[87] 期刊论文,A Photonic RF Phase Shifter Based on a Dual-Parallel Mach-Zehnder Modulator and an Optical Filter,Appl. Phys. Express,2012/05/01
[88] 期刊论文,An Index-Based Parallel Scheduler for Optical Burst Switching Networks,Journal of Lightwave Technology,2011/09/01,吴龟灵
[89] 期刊论文,Joint congestion control and processor allocation for task scheduling in grid over OBS networks,Expert Systems with Applications,2011/08/01
[90] 会议论文,A Novel Approach to Optically Switch Inter-Pod Traffic in Datacenters,IEEE INFOCOM Workshop on Cloud Computing 2011,2011/04/01
[91] 会议论文,Design and Implementation of An Index based Parallel Scheduler for Optical Burst Switching Networâ¦,OFC 2011,2011/03/01,吴龟灵
[92] 期刊论文,18 wavelengths 83.9Gs/s optical sampling clock for photonic A/D converters,Optics Express,2010/09/01,吴龟灵
[93] 会议论文,Evaluation of Labeled OBS with Home Circuits,2010 Proceedings of 19th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks,2010/08/01
[94] 期刊论文,Multi-objective optimization based on ant colony optimization in grid over optical burst switchinâ¦,Expert Systems with Applications,2010/03/01
[95] 会议论文,Joint flow control and processor allocation for task scheduling in grid over OBS networks,Proceedings of the 15th Asia-Pacific conference on Communications,APCC2009 ,2009/10/01
[96] 期刊论文,Offset Time Configuration in Optical Burst Switching Ring Network,Journal of Lightwave Technology,2009/10/01