[97] 期刊论文,Fast Water Thermo-pumping Flow Across Nanotube Membranes for Desalination,NANO LETTERS,2015/06/01
[98] 期刊论文,Numerical study on phase change heat storage enhancement of paraffin using copper foam,Re Kexue Yu Jishu/Journal of Thermal Science and Technology,2015/04/01
[99] 期刊论文,Lattice Boltzmann model for the correct convection-diffusion equation with divergence-free velociâ¦,PHYSICAL REVIEW E,2015/03/01
[100] 会议论文,Effects of Temperature and Pore Size on Water Diffusion inside Carbon Nanotubes,13TH ASME International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels,2015/01/01
[101] 期刊论文,Structure-dependent water transport across nanopores of carbon nanotubes: toward selective gatingâ¦,PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,2015/01/01
[102] 会议论文,Numerical Modeling of Pore Fluid Flow in Reconstructed Porous Media,13TH ASME International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels,2015/01/01
[103] 期刊论文,Study on heat charging and discharging characteristics of a horizontal cylinder phase change unit,Kung Cheng Je Wu Li Hsueh Pao/Journal of Engineering Thermophysics,2014/12/01
[104] 期刊论文,An immersed boundary-thermal lattice Boltzmann method for solid-liquid phase change,JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS,2014/11/01
[105] 会议论文,Effect of Marangoni flow on the evaporation rate of sessile droplets,15th International Heat Transfer Conference, IHTC 2014,2014/11/01
[106] 期刊论文,A modified multiple-relaxation-time lattice Boltzmann model for convection-diffusion equation,JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS,2014/10/01
[107] 期刊论文,Effect of liquid-vapor interface area on the evaporation rate of small sessile droplets,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCES,2014/10/01
[108] 会议论文,Pore-scale study on two-phase flow in porous media,The 4th Micro and Nano Flows Conference,MNF2014,2014/09/01