- [121]会议论文,P-FAD: Real-time Face Detection Scheme on Embedded Smart Cameras,6th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras (ICDSC),2012/10/01
- [122]会议论文,Modeling and predictive control for Chinese high speed train,23rd Chinese Process Control Conference,2012/08/01
- [123]期刊论文,Modeling and Predictive Control for Chinese High Speed Train,International Journal of System Control and Information Processing,2012/08/01
- [124]会议论文,Probability-based Optimal Coverage of PTZ Camera Networks,IEEE ICC 2012,2012/06/01
- [125]会议论文,Probability-based optimal coverage of PTZ camera networks,IEEE International Conference on Communication,2012/06/01,邬晶
- [126]会议论文,Online market clearing in dynamic spectrum auction,IEEE Globecom 2011,2011/12/01
- [127]会议论文,Flexibly Cooperative spectrum sensing and allocation in cognitive radio Networks: An Auction-based F,2011 International Conference on Computer Science and Network Technology,2011/12/01
- [128]会议论文,Distributed Consensus Formation Control of Multiple Mobile Robots,2011 World Congress on Engineering and Technology,2011/10/01
- [129]期刊论文,Model predictive control for networked control systems,International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control,2009/06/01,邬晶
- [130]会议论文,An MPC approach to networked control design,Proceedings of the 26th Chinese Control Conference,2007/07/01,邬晶