- [41]会议论文,Deterministic single soliton generation without frequency tuning in a graphene-FP microresonator,Optics Infobase Conference Papers,2019/01/01,吴侃
- [42]会议论文,A switch-based integrated 2d beam-steering device for lidar application,Optics Infobase Conference Papers,2019/01/01,吴侃
- [43]期刊论文,MoS_2/WSe_2-PVA薄膜热光全光调制器(特邀),红外与激光工程,2019/01/01
- [44]会议论文,A quasi-autocorrelation system based on carbon-nanotube saturable absorber,Optics Infobase Conference Papers,2019/01/01,吴侃
- [45]期刊论文,All-fiber 2 mu m thulium-doped mode-locked fiber laser based on MoSe2-saturable absorber,Optical Fiber Technology,2019/01/01
- [46]期刊论文,Lens-based integrated 2D beam-steering device with defocusing approach and broadband pulse operation,Optics Express,2019/11/01
- [47]期刊论文,Thermo-optic all-optical devices based on two-dimensional materials [Invited],Photonics Research,2018/08/01,吴侃
- [48]期刊论文,WS2 based 523 MHz mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser for microwave photonic application,Optical Materials Express,2019/12/01
- [49]期刊论文,High-gain erbium silicate waveguide amplifier and a low-threshold, high-efficiency laser,OPTICS EXPRESS,2018/06/01
- [50]期刊论文,All-optical modulator based on MoS2-PVA thin film,CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS,2018/02/01