- [71]会议论文,A 77GHz high-directivity antenna with stacked patches for automotive radar,UK-Europe-China Works. mm-Waves Terahertz Technol.,2018/09/01
- [72]会议论文,Dual-band Fabry-Perot resonator antenna based on hybrid graphene-metal structure,2019/12/01
- [73]期刊论文,Active Integrated Dielectric Resonator Antenna-in-Package Design,IEEE ANTENNAS AND WIRELESS PROPAGATION LETTERS,2019/11/01
- [74]期刊论文,A Balanced-to-Balanced Rat-Race Coupling Network Based on Defected Slots,IEEE Microwave And Wireless Components Letters,2019/07/01
- [75]期刊论文,A General Method for Balanced-to-Unbalanced Filtering Out-of-Phase Power Divider Design,IEEE Transactions On Microwave Theory And Techniques,2019/07/01
- [76]会议论文,Modeling of Slow-wave Si-BCB Transmission Line Loaded with Stepped Impedance Resonators,2019 Cross Strait Quad-regional Radio Science And Wireless Technology Conference, Csqrwc 2019 - Proceedings,2019/07/01,吴林晟
- [77]会议论文,45-Degree polarized microstrip grid arrays for millimeter-wave micro base station,2018 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility and 2018 IEEE Asia-Pacific Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, EMC/APEMC 2018,2018/06/01
- [78]会议论文,Modeling of Circularly Polarized Stacked Patch Antenna,2019 Cross Strait Quad-regional Radio Science And Wireless Technology Conference, Csqrwc 2019 - Proceedings,2019/07/01
- [79]会议论文,Filtering Antenna Based on Substrate Integrated Waveguide and Patch Resonators in LTCC,2018 International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology, ICMMT 2018 - Proceedings,2018/05/01
- [80]会议论文,Reconfigurable Branch-Line Coupler with Tunable Phase Difference,2019 IEEE Mtt-s International Wireless Symposium, Iws 2019 - Proceedings,2019/05/01