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Wu Tongsuo
Scientific Research
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Paper Publications
Current position:
Scientific Research
Paper Publications
[1] Some refinements of star graphs whose semigroups S satisfy S^3=0 Communications in Algebra 38:8(2010) 1-16, 2010,
[2] The Structure of c-local rings Communications in Algebra 37:9(2009), 3321-3336, 2009,
[3] Simple Graphs and Zero-divisor Semigroups ALGEBRA COLLOQUIUM, 2009,
[4]Wu Tongsuo. Liu Q., Ouyang Baiyu and Wu Tongsuo. On principally quasi-Baer modules. 29:5(2009) 823-830 Journal Math. Research and Exposition, 2009,
[5]Wu Tongsuo. Zero-divisor semigroups and refinements of star graphs Discrete Mathematics 309:8(2009) 2610-2515, 2009,
[6]Wu Tongsuo. On bipartite zero divisor graphs Discrete Mathematics 309:4(2009) 755-762, 2009,
[7]Wu Tongsuo. On normal ideals of exchange rings Siberian Mathematical Journal 49(4)(2008), 663-668, 2008,
[8] Sub-semigroups determined by properties of zero divisor graphs Discrete Mathematics, 2008,
[9]Wu Tongsuo. On endomorphism-regularity of zero divisor graphs Discrete Mathematics 308:20(2008), 4811-4815, 2008,
[10] The structure of zero-divisor semigroups with graph K-n circle K-2 SEMIGROUP FORUM, 2008,
[11]Wu Tongsuo. The zero-divisor graphs which are uniquely determined by neighbourhoods Commu. in Algebra 35:12(2007), 2007,
[12]Wu Tongsuo. The structure of a class of Z-local rings Sci. in China Ser.A, 2006,
[13]Wu Tongsuo. Zero-divisor semigroups and some simple graphs COMMUNICATIONS IN ALGEBRA, 2006,
[14] On directed zero-divisor graphs of finite rings DISCRETE MATHEMATICS , 2005,
[15] A new graph structure of commutative semigroups Semigroup Forum, 2005,
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