- [11]期刊论文, Finite rings whose graphs have clique number less than five,Algebra Colloq. ,2021/05/01
- [12]期刊论文,Vertex Decomposable Property of Graphs Whose Complements Are $r$-Partite ,Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications,2021/01/01
- [13]期刊论文,Edge ideal with regularity no more than three,Algebra Colloquium,2020/12/01
- [14]期刊论文,On reduction number of products of ideals.,Bull. Iranian Math. Soc. ,2020/08/01
- [15]期刊论文,Strongly shellable simplicial complexes,JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY,2019/11/01
- [16]期刊论文, Strongly shellable simplicial complexes,J. Korean Math. Soc. 56:6(2019) 1613-1639.,2019/11/01
- [17]期刊论文,On Graded Betti Numbers of a Class of Graphs,ALGEBRA COLLOQUIUM,2018/06/01
- [18]期刊论文,Boolean graphs are Cohen-Macaulay,COMMUNICATIONS IN ALGEBRA,2018/10/01
- [19]期刊论文,Edgewise strongly shellable clutters,JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS,2018/01/01
- [20]期刊论文,F-Ideals and F-graphs,COMMUNICATIONS IN ALGEBRA,2017/08/01