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- [62]期刊论文,Further results on finitely generated projective modules,Acta Math. Sinica (ES),2002/05/01
- [63]期刊论文,Exchange rings with bounded index of nilpotence,Comm. in Algebra,2001/11/01
- [64]期刊论文,Exchange rings with general aleph-nought comparability,Comm. in Algebra,2001/02/01
- [65]期刊论文,The power-substitution condition of quasi-projective modules,Comm. in Algebra,2000/01/01
- [66]期刊论文,有限生成模的自同态,南京大学学报数学半年刊,1999/11/01
- [67]期刊论文,On induced group homomorphisms,J. Shanghai Jiaotong University,1999/06/01
- [68]期刊论文,利用图的完形刻划wsr1条件,数学研究与评论,1999/01/01
- [69]期刊论文,On endomorphism rings of regular modules,Acta Math. Sinica ( ES ),1998/06/01
- [70]期刊论文,On the stable range of endomorphism ring,Comm. in Algebra,1998/01/01