- [21]期刊论文,矩形截面半潜式平台浪流耦合作用涡激运动响应二维数值研究,上海交通大学学报,2016/01/01
- [22]期刊论文,Freak wave forces on a vertical cylinder,Coastal Engineering,2016/08/01
- [23]期刊论文,Hydrodynamic Interactions of Three Barges in Close Proximity in A Floatover Installation,China Ocean Engineering,2016/06/01
- [24]期刊论文,A free surface interpolation approach for rapid simulation of short waves in meshless numerical wave,Journal of Computational Physics,2016/02/01,肖龙飞
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- [27]期刊论文,Effects of wave excitation force prediction deviations on the discrete control performance of an osc,Ships and Offshore Structures,2016/05/01
- [28]期刊论文,极端波浪与海洋结构物的强非线性作用研究综述,船舶力学,2016/01/01
- [29]期刊论文,波浪入射角度对立柱周围波面扰动特性的影响研究,船舶力学,2016/01/01
- [30]期刊论文,An experimental study on deterministic freak waves: Generation, propagation and local energy,Ocean Engineering,2016/05/01