- [131]会议论文,Recognizing Exponential Inter-Contact Time in VANETs,IEEE INFOCOM 2010,2010/01/01
- [132]会议论文,Traffic-Known Urban Vehicular Route Prediction Based on Partial Mobility Patterns,ICPADS '09 - 15th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems,2009/12/01
- [133]会议论文,Efficient data suppression for wireless sensor networks,IEEE ICPADS 2008,2008/12/01
- [134]会议论文,A Passive Geographical Routing Protocol in VANET,2008 IEEE ASIA-PACIFIC SERVICES COMPUTING CONFERENCE,2008/12/01,薛广涛
- [135]期刊论文,Building hierarchical BitTorrent-like peer-to-peer file sharing systems based on proximity-aware pee,Chinese Journal of Electronics,2008/02/01