[37] 会议论文,Experimental characterization of dispersion in plasmonic nanostripes for integrated DNA sensing,Proc. SPIE 7604, 760417,2010/01/01
[38] 期刊论文,Charge and current reservoirs for electric and magnetic field enhancement,Optics Express 18, 10388-10394,2010/01/01
[39] 期刊论文,120 uW peak output power from edge-emitting photonic crystal double-heterostructure nanocavity laâ¦,Applied Physics Letters 94, 111101,2009/01/01
[40] 会议论文,Fabrication of Nanofluidic Sensor Chip with Sub-Wavelength Plasmonic Readout for Optical Tags,International Congress of NanoBiotechnology & Nanomedicine (NanoBio), San Francisco, California, W-B-5,2009/01/01
[41] 会议论文,Modified Surface Plasmon Antenna for Localized Field Enhancement,Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), Baltimore, Maryland, JWA90,2009/01/01
[42] 会议论文,The Sign of Refractive Index of Surface Plasmons in Metal-Dielectric-Metal Structures,Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), Baltimore, Maryland, JWA113,2009/01/01,杨天
[43] 期刊论文,Surface plasmon resonance of optical antenna atomic force microscope tips,Applied Physics Letters 94, 171107,2009/01/01
[44] 期刊论文,Analysis of surface plasmon propagation in metal-dielectric-metal structures and the criterion foâ¦,Optics Express 17, 1136-1143,2009/01/01,杨天
[45] 会议论文,Surface Plasmons in Periodically Coupled Gold Nanoparticles: A Semi-Analytical Model,Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose, California, JThA115,2008/01/01,杨天
[46] 期刊论文,Surface plasmon coupling in periodic metallic nanoparticle structures: a semi-analytical model,Optics Express 16, 13070-9,2008/01/01,杨天
[47] 期刊论文,Dispersion and Extinction of Surface Plasmons in Gold Nanoparticle Chains: Influence of the Air/Gâ¦,Optics Express 16, 8570-8580,2008/01/01,杨天
[48] 会议论文,Photonic crystal microcavity lasers,International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, Athens, Greece, We.A2.1,2008/01/01