- [11]会议论文,Silicon 1 × 2 mode- and polarization-selective switch,2017 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition, OFC 2017 - Proceedings,2017/05/01,张永
- [12]期刊论文,Automated Wavelength Alignment in a 4 x 4 Silicon Thermo-Optic Switch Based on Dual-Ring Resonators,IEEE Photonics Journal,2018/02/01
- [13]会议论文,用于波长、偏振和模式信号处理的硅光子器件,光学与光电技术,2017/01/01
- [14]会议论文,Effective Symbol-Amplitude Scaling Scheme in DD-OFDM Transmitter with 4.3-dB Receiver-Sensitivity Im,2016 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO),2016/01/01
- [15]期刊论文,Compact, submilliwatt, 2 x 2 silicon thermo-optic switch based on photonic crystal nanobeam cavities,Photonics Research,2017/04/01
- [16]会议论文,Integrated Multi-Channel Millimeter Wave Photonic Generation Based on A Silicon Chip with Automated ,European Conference on Optical Communication, ECOC,2018/09/01
- [17]会议论文,Compact and power efficient 2 × 2 thermo-optical switch based on dual-nanobeam MZI,2018 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exposition, OFC 2018 - Proceedings,2018/06/01
- [18]会议论文,Compact silicon photonic interleaver using loop-mirror-based Michelson-Gires-Tournois interferometer,2016 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition, OFC 2016,2016/08/01
- [19]期刊论文,Air-mode photonic crystal ring resonator on silicon-on-insulator,Scientific Reports,2016/01/01
- [20]期刊论文,Design and Experimental Demonstration of a Compact Silicon Photonic Interleaver Based on an Interfer,Journal of Lightwave Technology,2017/09/01