- [11]期刊论文,Shaking table test and numerical simulation on seismic performance of prefabricated corrugated steel,Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering,2021/02/01,岳峰
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- [13]期刊论文,Evaluation Method of Plug Welding Defects Through Ultrasonic Testing 塞焊超声波探伤的缺陷评定方法研,建筑钢结构进展,2020/02/01
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- [15]期刊论文,Research on Machine Learning Based Model for Predicting the Impact Status of Laminated Glass,JOURNAL OF INORGANIC MATERIALS,2021/01/01
- [16]期刊论文,A state-of-the-art review on passive friction dampers and their applications,Engineering Structures,2021/02/01,Sujit Jaisee
- [17]期刊论文,Shaking table investigations on seismic performance of prefabricated corrugated steel utility tunnel,Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology,2020/11/01,岳峰
- [18]期刊论文,Study on bond performance, flexural and crack extension behavior of base concrete prisms strengthen ,CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS,2020/08/01
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- [20]期刊论文,Shaking table investigations on the seismic failure mechanism of shallow-buried prefabricated corrug,Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering,Yue, Feng