- [21]会议论文,Developing conceptual pss models of upper limb exoskeleton based post-stroke rehabilitation in China,Procedia Cirp,2019/01/01
- [22]期刊论文,An innovative eco-design approach based on integration of LCA, CADCAE and optimization tools, and it,JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2018/06/01
- [23]期刊论文,A FBS-based energy modelling method for energy efficiency-oriented design,JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2018/01/01
- [24]会议论文,A Meta-model based Approach for LCA-oriented Product Data Management,25TH CIRP LIFE CYCLE ENGINEERING (LCE) CONFERENCE,2018/01/01
- [25]会议论文,Product life cycle design for sustainable value creation: methods of sustainable product developme,25TH CIRP LIFE CYCLE ENGINEERING (LCE) CONFERENCE,2018/01/01
- [26]期刊论文,Integration of Life Cycle Assessment with computer-aided product development by a feature-based ap,JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION,2017/02/01
- [27]会议论文,A Feature-based CAD-LCA Software Integration Approach for Eco-design,24TH CIRP CONFERENCE ON LIFE CYCLE ENGINEERING,2017/01/01
- [28]期刊论文,碳纤维增强复合材料/钛合金叠层变参数钻削试验,机械设计与研究,2017/01/01
- [29]会议论文,A feature-based CAD-LCA software integration approach for eco-design,in Proceedings of the 24th CIRP conference on life cycle engineering,2016/11/01
- [30]期刊论文,Integration of Life Cycle Assessment with Computer-aided Product Development by a Feature-based Appr,Journal of Cleaner Production,2017/02/01