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Zhenfei Tan, PhD, Assistant Professor

He graduated from the Department of Electrical Engineering at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China with a B.E. degree in 2017 and a Ph.D. degree in 2022 (under the supervision of Prof. Qing Xia). He was awarded the outstanding undergraduate, outstanding doctoral graduates from Tsinghua University, and was recognized for the outstanding doctoral dissertation. 

He focused on coordinated optimization of hierarchical power grids and the flexible interaction of generation, transmission, and distribution systems in a market environment. He has published over 30 SCI/EI indexed papers and obtained 11 granted patents in China and the United States. He was granted 1 National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) project, 2 China Postdoctoral Science Foundation project. He also led or participated in more than 10 scientific and technological projects for enterprises such as State Grid Corporation of China.

He received awards including the IEEE PES General Meeting "Best-of-the-Best" Paper Award, the CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems (JPES) Outstanding Paper Award, the Gold Award at the Geneva International Invention Exhibition, and the Energy Innovation Award from the Chinese Energy Research Society. He is reviewer for multiple journals and was recognized as outstanding reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, MPCE, CSEE JPES.



Email: zftan AT

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