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Paper Publications
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Scientific Research
Paper Publications
[1] Wearable Personal Core Body Temperature Measurement Considering Individual Differences and Dynamic Tissue Blood Perfusion IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2021,
[2]zhangaili. An electromagnetic actuator for brain magnetic resonance elastography with high frequency accuracy NMR IN BIOMEDICINE, 2021,
[3] A Novel Local Tumor Progression Prediction Method for Multimode Ablation Treatment IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2021,
[4] Towards non-intrusive and high accuracy prediction of personal thermal comfort using a few sensitive physiological parameters [J]. Energy and Buildings, 2020,
[5]zhangaili. Wnt stabilization of β-catenin reveals new principles governing morphogen receptor-scaffold assemblies Science, 2013,
[6]zhangaili. Study of enhanced radiofrequency heating by pre-freezing tissue INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYPERTHERMIA, 2019,
[7] Intracellular ice formation and growth in MCF-7 cancer cells Cryobiology, 2011,
[8] Treatment of murine tumors using acoustic droplet vaporization enhanced high intensity focused ultrasound Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2013,
[9] A cooperative ceiling air supply method to satisfy personal thermal preferences in a discretionary indoor position Journal of Building Engineering, 2020,
[10] Theoretical and Experimental Study of Dual-fiber Laser Ablation for Prostate Cancer Plos One, 2018,
[11] The effects on thermal lesion shape and size from bubble clouds produced by acoustic droplet vaporization BioMedical Engineering Online, 2018,
[12] Numerical Study of Bubble Area Evolution During Acoustic Droplet Vaporization-Enhanced HIFU Treatment JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 2017,
[13] Numerical Study of Cell Cryo-Preservation: A Network Model of Intracellular Ice Formation PlosONE, 2013,
[14]zhangaili. Numerical Simulation of a New Probe for the Alternate Cooling and Heating of Subcutaneous Mouse Tumor Model Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A:Applications, 2013,
[15] Study of Tumor Growth under Hyperthermia Condition Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 2012,
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