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Weiping Zhang
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Paper Publications
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Scientific Research
Paper Publications
[1]张卫平. Fuzzy tuning PI control for initial levitationof micromachined electrostatically levitatedgyroscope Electronics Letters, 2009,
[2]张卫平. Soft initial-rotation and H∞ robust constant rotational speedcontrol for rotational MEMS gyro Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2009,
[3] Development of a computer security authentication system–based MEMS coded lock J. Micro/Nanolith. MEMS MOEMS, 2009,
[4]张卫平. Co-simulation and Experimental Study for Wingspan of FlappingWing Micro Aerial Vehicle J. Shanghai Jiaotong Univ. (Sci.), 2009,
[5]张卫平. 基于DSP 的静电悬浮转子微陀螺测控系统 传感技术学报, 2009,
[6]张卫平. Electromechanical coupling analysis for MEMS featured by stepped-height structure and concentrated load Microsyst Technol SCI/EI全文收录期刊, 2009,
[7]张卫平. Single-neuron Spinning Control System for a Non-siliconMicromachined Rotational Gyro Proceedings of the 4th IEEE Int. Conf. onNano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems, 2009,
[8]张卫平. Simulation of Levitation Control for A MicromachinedElectrostatically Levitated Gyroscope Proceedings of the 2009 4th IEEE InternationalConference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems, 2009,
[9]张卫平. Modeling Analysis of PiezoelectricMicromachined Modal Gyroscope (PMMG) 4th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems, NEMS 2009, 2009,
[10]张卫平. Design and Analysis of Novel Solid Biaxial Micro-Gyroscopewith Special Mode Excitation Proceedings of the 4th IEEE Int. Conf. onNano/Micro Engineered and Molecular SystemsJanuary 5-8, 2009, Shenzhen, China, 2009,
[11]张卫平. 反磁悬浮涡流旋转微陀螺的定子研究 微细加工技术, 2008,
[12] MEMS safety lock and its application 2008年上海交通-日本早稻田国际会议,日本早稻田大学, 2008,
[13] 悬浮转子式微陀螺技术关键、创新设计和最新进展 功能材料与器件学报, 2008,
[14]张卫平. Multi-try Counter-meshing Gears Discrimination Device Based onMEMS Technology J.Shanghai Jiaotong Univ.(Sci.), 2008,
[15]张卫平. Variable-capacitance micromotor withlevitated diamagnetic rotor ELECTRONICS LETTERS, 2008,
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