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Linjie Zhou
Scientific Research
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Paper Publications
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Scientific Research
Paper Publications
[1]Linjie Zhou. Reducing Crosstalk of Silicon-based Optical Switch with All-optical Multi-wavelength Regenerator Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, 2017,
[2] 硅基马赫曾德电光调制设计优化与实现 ZTE Technology Journal, 2017,
[3] Silicon 16×16 switch matrix based on dual-ring assisted MZI structures with fast and energy efficient switching SUMMER TOPICALS MEETING SERIES, SUM 2017, 2017,
[4]Linjie Zhou. Large-scale silicon photonic switches using electro-optic MZIs OPTICS INFOBASE CONFERENCE PAPERS, 2017,
[5] Electro-optical switch using Ge2Sb2Te5 phase-change material in a silicon MZI structure 2017 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR), 2017,
[6] Continuously tunable ultra-thin silicon waveguide optical delay line OPTICA, 2017,
[7]Linjie Zhou. All-optical Multi-wavelength Regeneration for Silicon-based Optical Switches General Congress of the International Commission for Optics, 2017,
[8]Linjie Zhou. Low-loss high-extinction-ratio single-drive push-pullsilicon Michelson interferometric modulator Chinse Optics Letters, 2017,
[9]Linjie Zhou. Microwave frequency-doubling based on a couplingmodulated silicon ring resonator OPTICS INFOBASE CONFERENCE PAPERS, 2017,
[10] Silicon reconfigurable optical switch based on dual-ring assisted mach-zehnder interferometers OPTICS INFOBASE CONFERENCE PAPERS, 2017,
[11]Linjie Zhou. Synchronous driving scheme for silicon-based optical switches to critically compensate for thermo-optic effect in carrier injection APPLIED OPTICS, 2017,
[12] Linearity characterization of a dual-parallel silicon Mach-Zehnder modulator IEEE Photonics Journal, 2016,
[13] Design of an ultra-compact optical modulator based on a silicon-vanadium dioxide hybrid waveguide Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, 2016,
[14] Microwave Signal Processing using High Speed Silicon Optical Modulators Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, 2016,
[15]Linjie Zhou. Six‐wave mixing induced by free‐carrier plasma in silicon nanowire waveguides Laser & Photonics Reviews, 2016,
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