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Linjie Zhou
Scientific Research
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Paper Publications
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Scientific Research
Paper Publications
[1]Linjie Zhou. Coupling characteristics between two conical micro-nano fibers, simulation and experiment OPTICS EXPRESS, 2011,
[2] Coherent interference induced transparency in self-coupled opticalwaveguide-based resonators Optics Letters, 2011,
[3]Linjie Zhou. Fully Reconfigurable Silicon Photonic Lattice Filters with Four Cascaded Unit Cells IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2011,
[4] Reconfigurable optical delay lines based on single folded waveguides 8th International Symosium on Advanced Photonic Science and Technology (ISAPST), 2010,
[5]Linjie Zhou. Fully Reconfigurable Silicon Photonic Interleaver Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 2010,
[6]Linjie Zhou. Continuous real-time, full-field waveform measurements via spectral slicing and parallel digital coherent detection Optical Fiber Communication (OFC), 2010,
[7]Linjie Zhou. Fully reconfigurable silicon photonic lattice filters with four cascaded unit cells Optical Fiber Communication (OFC), 2010,
[8]Linjie Zhou. Real-time full-field arbitrary optical waveform measurement NATURE PHOTONICS, 2010,
[9]Linjie Zhou. Real-time full-field arbitrary optical waveform measurement Nature Photonics, 2010,
[10] Silicon microring resonator-based reconfigurable optical lattice filter for on-chip optical signal processing IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society (LEOS), 2009,
[11] Athermalizing and Trimming of Slotted Silicon Microring Resonators With UV-Sensitive PMMA Upper-Cladding IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2009,
[12] Towards athermal slotted silicon microring resonators with UV-trimmable PMMA upper-cladding Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 2009,
[13]Linjie Zhou. Thrym: a low power, thermally stable, arbitration free on-chip optical network 15th International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA15), 2009,
[14] Design and evaluation of an arbitration-free passive opticalcrossbar for on-chip interconnection networks Applied Physics A, 2009,
[15] Towards athermal optically-interconnected computing systemusing slotted silicon microring resonators and RF-photonic combgeneration Applied Physics A, 2009,
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