- [211]会议论文,Self-coupled optical waveguide (SCOW) resonators for optical signal processing,SPIE OPTO. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2014, Silicon Photonics IX,2014/02/01,周林杰
- [212]期刊论文,宽带多模干涉型光耦合器的设计,光电子技术,2014/02/01
- [213]期刊论文,Selective excitation of microring resonances using a pulley-coupling structure,APPLIED OPTICS,2014/02/01
- [214]期刊论文,Photoconductive effect on p-i-p micro-heaters integrated in silicon microring resonators,OPTICS EXPRESS,2014/01/01,周林杰
- [215]期刊论文,Continuously tunable reflective-type optical delay lines using microring resonators,OPTICS EXPRESS,2014/01/01
- [216]期刊论文,Efficient fiber-to-slot-waveguide grating couplers based on double-strip waveguide,IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS,2013/12/01
- [217]会议论文,Self-coupled optical waveguide (SCOW)-based reconfigurable second-order optical filter,International Conference on Group IV Photonics,2013/09/01
- [218]期刊论文,Tunable Vernier microring optical filters with p-i-p type microheaters,IEEE Photonics Journal,2013/08/01,周林杰
- [219]会议论文,Tunable self-coupled optical waveguide (SCOW) resonator and its application in optical signal proces,2013 Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Proceedings (PIERS),2013/08/01,周林杰
- [220]会议论文,Reconfigurable optical filters using self-coupled optical waveguide (SCOW) resonators,International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN) ,2013/07/01,周林杰