- [51]会议论文,Modular Multilevel DC-DC Transformer and its Modulation Strategy,2019 IEEE 4th International Future Energy Electronics Conference (IFEEC),2019/11/01
- [52]会议论文,Phase Error Analysis of Phase-locked Loop under Voltage Perturbation,2019 IEEE 4th International Future Energy Electronics Conference (IFEEC),2019/11/01
- [53]会议论文,Analysis of prefilter phase-locked loop under interharmonics perturbation,8th Renewable Power Generation Conference (RPG 2019),2019/10/01
- [54]会议论文,The Influence of Phase-Locked Loop on the Impedance of Single Phase Voltage Source Converter,8th Renewable Power Generation Conference (RPG 2019),2019/10/01
- [55]会议论文,Coordinated start-up strategy of the converters in multistage Dc Pv power collection system with uni,8th Renewable Power Generation Conference (RPG 2019),2019/10/01
- [56]会议论文,线间直流潮流控制器在四端直流系统中的配置与网损分析,中国电机工程学会直流输电与电力电子专委会学术年会论文集,2019/10/01
- [57]会议论文,A SPWM algorithem with symetrical shoot-through states for z/quasi-z source inverters,8th Renewable Power Generation Conference (RPG 2019),2019/10/01
- [58]会议论文,Slow-Scale Instability Analysis of Voltage Controlled Z-Source Converter,2019 IEEE 4th International Future Energy Electronics Conference (IFEEC),2019/11/01
- [59]期刊论文,DC Substation for DC Grid Part I: Comparative Evaluation of DC Substation Configurations,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS,2019/10/01
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