- [151]期刊论文,Fresnel Reflection Spectra at Multimode Optical Fiber Ends with Heterodyne Detection,Applied Physics Express,2011/01/01
- [152]期刊论文,Operation of Brillouin Optical Correlation-DomainReflectometry: Theoretical Analysis andExperimental,Journal of Lightwave Technology,2010/11/01
- [153]期刊论文,Single-end-access correlation-domain distributed fiber-optic sensor based on stimulated Brillouin sc,Journal of Lightwave Technology,2010/07/01,邹卫文
- [154]会议论文,Brillouin scattering property in highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber with hybrid-core structure,2010 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2010),2010/05/01,邹卫文
- [155]会议论文,Spatial Resolution Limitation by Rayleigh Scattering-Induced Noise in Brillouin Optical Correlation-,2010 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2010),2010/05/01
- [156]期刊论文,Demonstration of Brillouin distributed discrimination of strain and temperature using a polarization,IEEE Photonics Technology Letters,2010/04/01,邹卫文