- [31]期刊论文,Channel-Statistics-Based Hybrid Precoding for Millimeter-Wave MIMO Systems With Dynamic Subarrays,IEEE Transactions On Communications,2019/06/01
- [32]期刊论文,Polar Coding Strategies for the Interference Channel With Partial-Joint Decoding,IEEE Transactions On Information Theory,2019/04/01
- [33]期刊论文,Secure SWIPT for Directional Modulation-Aided AF Relaying Networks,IEEE Journal On Selected Areas In Communications,2019/02/01
- [34]会议论文,Communication theoretic prediction on time series data,2018 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China, ICCC 2018,2019/02/01
- [35]期刊论文,Message-Passing Receiver Design for Joint Channel Estimation and Data Decoding in Uplink Grant-Free ,IEEE Transactions On Wireless Communications,2019/01/01
- [36]期刊论文,TOWARD 5G WIRELESS INTERFACE TECHNOLOGY,IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine,2018/12/01
- [37]期刊论文,Spectral and Energy-Efficient Wireless Powered IoT Networks: NOMA or TDMA?,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY,2018/07/01
- [38]期刊论文,Spectral and Energy-Efficient Wireless Powered IoT Networks: NOMA or TDMA?,IEEE Transactions On Vehicular Technology,2018/07/01
- [39]会议论文,Data-aided secure massive MIMO transmission with active eavesdropping,IEEE International Conference On Communications,2018/07/01
- [40]会议论文,Hybrid precoding in mmWave MIMO broadcast channels with dynamic subarrays and finite-alphabet inputs,IEEE International Conference On Communications,2018/07/01