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Scientific Research
Paper Publications
[1] Ultrahigh damping capacity achieved by modulating R phase in Ti49. 2Ni50. 8 shape memory alloy wires Scripta Materialia, 2020,
[2] Interpretation of Dynamic Strain Aging in an Intercritical Annealed Steel by Dislocation Multiplication Induced by Martensitic Transformation Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 2021,
[3] Tailoring the metastable reversed austenite from metastable Mn-rich carbides ACTA MATERIALIA, 2021,
[4]Xuejun JIN. Study of the impact properties and microstructure evolution in a high-strength low-alloy heavy steel MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING, 2021,
[5]Xuejun JIN. 航天轴承新贵:60NiTi合金 金属热处理, 2021,
[6] Characterization and 3D finite element modelling of TRIP effect in a medium manganese steel with nano-precipitates MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION, 2021,
[7]Xuejun JIN. Ensuring the strength and ductility synergy in an austenitic stainless steel: single- or multi-phase hetero-structures design SCRIPTA MATERIALIA, 2021,
[8]Xuejun JIN. Effects of NiAl Precipitation on the Stability of Retained Austenite and Mechanical Properties of a Quenching-partitioning-tempering Treated Medium-manganese Steel ISIJ INTERNATIONAL, 2021,
[9] Hydrogen embrittlement and hydrogen diffusion behavior in interstitial nitrogen-alloyed austenitic steel INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY, 2021,
[10] Atomic scale modeling of the coherent strain field surrounding Ni4Ti3 precipitate and its effects on thermally-induced martensitic transformation in a NiTi alloy Acta Materialia, 2021,
[11]Xuejun JIN. How Does Deformation of Solid Material Induce Refrigeration? 如何实现固态材料变形制冷? Shanghai Jiaotong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, 2021,
[12] Elastocaloric effect with a broad temperature window and low energy loss in a nanograin Ti-44Ni-5Cu-1Al (at.%) shape memory alloy PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS, 2021,
[13] Origin of the inverse elastocaloric effect in a Ni-rich Ti-Ni shape memory alloy induced by oriented nanoprecipitates PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS, 2021,
[14]Xuejun JIN. New material for aerospace bearing: 60NiTi alloy 航天轴承新贵: 60NiTi合金 Jinshu Rechuli/Heat Treatment of Metals, 2021,
[15] Research Progress in Elastocaloric Cooling Effect Basing on Shape Memory Alloy ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA, 2021,
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