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Scientific Research
Paper Publications
[1] Growth of B2 parent phase grain assisted by martensitic transformation in a nanocrystalline Ti-50.8Ni (at.%) shape memory alloy Scripta Materialia, 2019,
[2] Internal friction of the R-phase in single crystalline Ti-50.8Ni (at.%) alloy containing controlled precipitate of Ti3Ni4 Scripta Materialia, 2019,
[3]Xuejun JIN. A super-hydrophilic surface enhanced by the hierarchical reticular porous structure on a low-modulus Ti-24Nb-4Zr-8Sn alloy SURFACE ENGINEERING, 2021,
[4] The effect of hydrogen on the impact-abrasion wear behavior in nanostructured bainitic steels Wear, 2021,
[5]Xuejun JIN. 复合工艺制备表面分级多孔的钛合金及生物相容性研究 功能材料, 2021,
[6]Xuejun JIN. A super-hydrophilic surface enhanced by the hierarchical reticular porous structure on a low-modulus Ti-24Nb-4Zr-8Sn alloy SURFACE ENGINEERING, 2021,
[7]Xuejun JIN. Microstructural origin of ultrahigh damping capacity in Ni-50.8 Ti-49.2 alloy containing nanodomains induced by insufficient annealing and low-temperature aging ACTA MATERIALIA, 2021,
[8] Mechanical response of a medium manganese steel with encapsulated austenite Scripta Materialia , 2020,
[9] Ultrahigh damping capacity achieved by modulating R phase in Ti49. 2Ni50. 8 shape memory alloy wires Scripta Materialia , 2020,
[10] Enhancement of Impact Toughness Via Tailoring Deformation Compatibility of Constituent Phases in Duplex Q&P Steel with Excellent Strength and Ductility Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A , 2020,
[11] Combination of thermodynamic knowledge and multilayer feedforward neural networks for accurate prediction of MS temperature in steels Materials & Design , 2020,
[12] Homogeneous elasto-plastic deformation and improved strain compatibility between austenite and ferrite in a co-precipitation hardened medium Mn steel with enhanced hydrogen embrittlement resistance International Journal of Plasticity , 2020,
[13] Dominating Role of Film‐Like Carbon‐Enriched Austenite for the Simultaneous Improvement of Strength and Toughness in Low‐Carbon Steel steel research international , 2020,
[14] A newly-designed hot stamping plus non-isothermal Q&P process to improve mechanical properties of commercial QP980 steel International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture , 2020,
[15] A Review of Current State and Prospect of the Manufacturing and Application of Advanced Hot Stamping Automobile Steels Acta Metall Sin , 2020,
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