- [41]会议论文,Efficient time-domain characterization of planar artificial substrate geometries,2008 Applied Computational Electromagnetic Society Conference,2008/03/01,李东瀛
- [42]会议论文,Efficient finite-difference time-domain modeling of driven periodic structures,2007 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation,2007/07/01,李东瀛
- [43]期刊论文,Electromagnetic optimization using sensitivity analysis in the frequency domain,IET Microwave, Antennas and Propagation,2007/01/01,李东瀛
- [44]会议论文,Optimization using Broyden-update self-adjoint sensitivities,2006 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation,2006/07/01,李东瀛
- [45]期刊论文,Sensitivities of network parameters with electromagnetic frequency domain simulator,IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques,2006/02/01
- [46]会议论文,S-parameter sensitivity analysis of waveguide structures with FEMLAB,2005 COMSOL Multiphysics Conference,2005/10/01,李东瀛
- [47]会议论文,Extracting the derivatives of network parameters from frequency-domain electromagnetic solutions,2005 USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting,2005/07/01