- [11]期刊论文,An experimental study on natural circulation flow characteristics under passive IVR-ERVC conditions,Annals Of Nuclear Energy,2019/09/01
- [12]会议论文,Experimental study on the molten materials effect in fuel coolant interaction,2019/08/01,刘鹏飞
- [13]期刊论文,Influences of some engineered factors on IVR-ERVC limits,Nuclear Engineering And Design,2019/06/01
- [14]会议论文,Design and test of a four-sensor conductivity sensor system for bubble dynamics measurements,International Conference On Nuclear Engineering, Proceedings, Icone,2019/05/01
- [15]会议论文,The influence of flooding water level on cooling limit of RPV outer wall under ERVC conditions,International Conference On Nuclear Engineering, Proceedings, Icone,2019/05/01
- [16]期刊论文,快堆悬浮式非能动停堆组件移动体落棒性能分析,应用科技,2019/01/01
- [17]期刊论文,反应堆压力容器支座温度场特性试验研究,压力容器,2019/01/01
- [18]期刊论文,Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Temperature Distribution on Reactor Pressure Vessel Supp,Science And Technology Of Nuclear Installations,2019/01/01
- [19]期刊论文,核电厂数字化仪控系统动态概率安全分析方法,中国高新科技,2019/01/01
- [20]期刊论文,超蒸发表面结构应用于ERVC增强的初步实验研究,应用科技,2019/01/01