- [21]会议论文,Development and validation of a hardware-in-loop NPP digital I&C system simulation platform,Proceedings of NUSSA-2018,2018/10/01
- [22]会议论文,Experimental study on the interaction of molten 304SS with water,Proceedings of NUSSA-2018,2018/10/01
- [23]会议论文,The FAC experimental research on vapor-water two-phase flow piping system of CAP1400 secondary loop,MATEC WEB OF CONFERENCES,2018/09/01
- [24]会议论文,Experimental Study on the Interaction of Molten Sn With Water,Proceedings of ICONE26,2018/07/01
- [25]会议论文,Experimental Investigation on Boiling Flow Characteristics Under Passive IVR-ERVC Conditions,Proceedings of ICONE26,2018/07/01
- [26]会议论文,Evaluation of IET Facility Applicability on Simulating SBLOCA in Large-Scale Passive PWR Plant,Proceedings of ICONE26,2018/07/01
- [27]期刊论文,Performance Study of Moving Body Dynamics in Hydraulic Suspended PSS for SFR under Unprotected Los,YUANZINENG KEXUE JISHU/ATOMIC ENERGY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2018/05/01
- [28]期刊论文,Development of a hardware-in- loop simulation platform for NPP main control systems,MATEC Web of Conferences,2017/11/01,刘鹏飞
- [29]会议论文,PRELIMINARY EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON EROSION-CORROSION BEHAVIOR OF SECOND LOOP PIPELINE IN NUCLEAR POWE,proceeding of 25th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering,2017/07/01,刘鹏飞
- [30]期刊论文,Simulation Study and Parameter Evaluation on WaterLevel Control System of Steam Generator in Nuclear,Advances in Intelligent Systems Research,2017/07/01