- [1]期刊论文,Robust planning upon unit commitment,International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems,2024/06/01,尚策
- [2]期刊论文,A Linear Reliability-Evaluated Unit Commitment,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS,2022/01/01,尚策
- [3]期刊论文,减碳中多阶段的煤电机组退役与新能源、储能规划协同,电力自动化设备,2021/09/01
- [4]会议论文,Multi-Scenario Voltage Optimization using Load Profiling,The 6th International Conference on Power and Renewable Energy (ICPRE2021),2021/09/01
- [5]期刊论文,Joining resilience and reliability evaluation against both weather and ageing causes,Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,2021/09/01,尚策
- [6]期刊论文,Distributionally robust day-ahead operation of power systems with two-stage gas contracting,Energy,2021/09/01
- [7]期刊论文,Reliability Evaluation on a Joint Machine Learning and Optimization Framework,IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,2020/07/01
- [8]期刊论文,Distributed planning of electricity and natural gas networks and energy hubs,Applied Energy,2020/11/01
- [9]会议论文,Reliability Analysis of a Microgrid using Dynamic Bayesian Belief Networks,2020/04/01
- [10]期刊论文,广域综合能源的一条规划路径,中国电机工程学报,2020/06/01,尚策