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Scientific Research
Paper Publications
[1] Discrimination and Recognition of Phantom Finger Sensation Through Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE, 2018,
[2] A system of real-time neural recording and stimulation and its potential application in blood pressure modulation Frontiers in Medical Technology, 2022,
[3]suixiaohong. Motion Intention Prediction and Joint Trajectories Generation Toward Lower Limb Prostheses Using EMG and IMU Signals IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 2022,
[4]suixiaohong. Spatial Attention Modulates Spike Count Correlations and Granger Causality in the Primary Visual Cortex FRONTIERS IN CELLULAR NEUROSCIENCE, 2022,
[5] Objective neuromodulation basis for intrafascicular artificial somatosensation through carbon nanotube yarn electrodes JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE METHODS, 2022,
[6] Intrafascicular Vagal Activity Recording and Analysis Based on Carbon Nanotube Yarn Electrodes Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science), 2020,
[7]suixiaohong. Prosthetic hand control: A multidisciplinary review to identify strengths, shortcomings, and the future BIOMEDICAL SIGNAL PROCESSING AND CONTROL, 2019,
[8] Insulation of Carbon Nanotube Yarn Electrodes for Intrafascicular Neural Stimulation and Recording 2019 9TH INTERNATIONAL IEEE/EMBS CONFERENCE ON NEURAL ENGINEERING (NER), 2019,
[9] Mediating different-diameter A beta nerve fibers using a biomimetic 3D TENS computational model JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE METHODS, 2020,
[10] Blood Pressure Change in Intrafascicular Vagal Activities Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science), 2021,
[11]suixiaohong. Computational Modeling of Spatially Selective Retinal Stimulation With Temporally Interfering Electric Fields IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL SYSTEMS AND REHABILITATION ENGINEERING, 2021,
[12] 基于机器学习的神经电生理在慢性疾病诊断中的应用 重庆医科大学学报, 2021,
[13] Mediating different-diameter Aβ nerve fibers using a biomimetic 3D TENS computational model Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2020,
[14] Intrafascicular Vagal Activity Recording and Analysis Based on Carbon Nanotube Yarn Electrodes Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Science), 2020,
[15]suixiaohong. A Three-Dimensional Microelectrode Array to Generate Virtual Electrodes for Epiretinal Prosthesis Based on a Modeling Study International Journal of Neural Systems, 2020,
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