[1] 申报人的研究方向为具有可穿戴性和高安全性的新型能源器件,重点包括以下几个方向:1.通过基于非可燃性电解液体系的设计和研发,构建具有高能量密度和优异安全性的锂、钠和钾金属电池;2.发展具有优异柔性、功能化和集成度的可穿戴能量转换和储存器件,包括太阳能电池、超级电容器、可充电电池及其集成器件,有效解决了以往纤维状能源器件结构功能单一、集成性差等缺点,有效提升了纤维状能源器件的应用潜力;3.发展柔性可穿戴能源器件的规模化制备和集成方法,以拓展其在通讯、物联网、医疗和航空航天等多个交叉领域的潜在应用。
[1] Unlocking Deep and Fast Potassium-Ion Storage through Phosphorus Heterostructure, Small
- [2] Anode-Free Lithium Metal Batteries Based on an Ultrathin and Respirable Interphase Layer, Angewandte Chemie-In 2023/01/01
- [3] Industrial scale production of fibre batteries by a solution-extrusion method, Nature Nanotechnolog 2022/01/01
- [4] Functionalization of Fiber Devices: Materials, Preparations and Applications, ADVANCED FIBER MATER 2022/06/01
- [2] Anode-Free Lithium Metal Batteries Based on an Ultrathin and Respirable Interphase Layer, Angewandte Chemie-In 2023/01/01
- [1] Wearable energy storage textiles 2019
- [2] Functional and integrated fiber-shaped energy devices based on carbon nanomaterials 2016