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Paper Publications
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Scientific Research
Paper Publications
[1] Ultracompact multifunctional metalens visor for augmented reality displays Photonix, 2022,
[2] Carrier-assisted differential detection with reduced guard band and high electrical spectral efficiency Optics Express, 2021,
[3] Compact silicon three-mode multiplexer by refractive-index manipulation on a multi-mode interferometer Optics Express, 2021,
[4]Su Yikai. On-Chip Mode-Division Multiplexing Transmission With Modal Crosstalk Mitigation Employing Low-Coherence Matched Detection JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, 2021,
[5]Su Yikai. Ultra-Compact Band-Pass and Band-Stop Tunable Filters Based on Loop-Cascaded Nanobeam Structure IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2021,
[6] FTN SSB 16-QAM Signal Transmission and Direct Detection Based on Tomlinson-Harashima Precoding With Computed Coefficients JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, 2021,
[7] Perspective on mode-division multiplexing Applied Physics Letters, 2021,
[8]Su Yikai. Ultra-narrow passband-tunable filter based on a high-Q silicon racetrack resonator Optics Letters, 2021,
[9] Demonstration of terabit coherent on-chip optical interconnects employing mode-division multiplexing Optics Letters, 2021,
[10] Ultra-compact and broadband silicon polarizer employing a nanohole array structure OPTICS LETTERS, 2021,
[11]Su Yikai. Ultrabroadband Power Coupling and Mode-Order Conversion Based on Trapezoidal Subwavelength Gratings IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, 2021,
[12] Ultra-compact topological photonic switch based on valley-vortex-enhanced high-efficiency phase shift Light: Science & Applications, 2022,
[13] Asymmetric topological valley edge states on silicon-on-insulator platform Laser & Photonics Reviews, 2022,
[14] Deep-learning-enabled high-performance full-field direct detection with dispersion diversity OPTICS EXPRESS, 2022,
[15]Su Yikai. Planar Alvarez tunable lens based on polymetric liquid crystal Pancharatnam-Berry optical elements Optics Express, 2022,
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